Science Communication
-Workshops or webinars on how to use the science of learning to design effective science communication activities
-Coaching/editing on writing or speaking to general public
-Workshops on best practices for writing for the general public (compared to academic writing)
-Workshops/webinars on common pitfalls with science communication...and what to do about them
-Workshops/webinars on cognitive processes underlying understanding science (epistemological beliefs about science, motivated reasoning, bias)
Interdisciplinary Research
-Workshops on how to effectively collaborate across disciplines
Biology Education
-Workshops on leveraging a Biology Everywhere mindset in classrooms
-Active learning in biology classrooms
-Teaching students the science of learning alongside biology content for maximal success
Short courses on any of the above topics
Please email melaniepefferphd (at) for details on pricing and options.
THANK YOU!! I have toyed with the idea of writing a monograph (even though I don't fully understand what this is, but it sounds academic enough 😃), but reading your article on tips for writing a book to pivot out of academia has made me change angles about WHO to write for. Will also be following closely for the other parts. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge!